Saturday, November 24, 2007

What's a girl to do?!.....BLOG!

Well, I could post even more about my sick kids....yes that's right - plural - Rauly is now sick too!! She was the one who started it all off on Tuesday, but seemingly got better quickly - it was false hope ya'll...she's down-n-out. :( Neways, I'm sick-n-tired of posting about my family being sick-n-tired, SO....on to more joyful things - like CHRISTMAS! :) We managed to get up our Christmas tree despite the yuckiness and I'm glad we did because it's definitely a mood-picker-upper! We still have more decorations to do, and obviousely...there are lots of presents that need to be wrapped and placed under the tree (Santa needs to get on the ball, eh?!) - but, at least the tree is up! There is so much I need to be doing and am just praying that God will multiply my time over the next week because I'm feelin' as if this sickness has put me WAY behind in many areas!...Although I'm now more than caught up on my blog!!!! :)


Anonymous said...

Yea for Christmas trees. Mine are up too. Sorry Rauly is sick. Hopefully, you all will be well soon.

Nathan & Lindsey said...

Gosh Lindsey, I am looking at all your pictures and wondering, could you kids be any cuter? I think not. Are there any chances of you making it to AR for the holidays?

Varner said...

Wow! Y'all had a busy week. I hope everyone starts feeling better soon! Yea for Christmas trees and the cheerfulness they bring.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that ya'll were sick over Thanksgiving! (I'm getting caught up on everyone from beening out of town), but your tree looks great! We got ours up last night, but there are no decorations on it yet!

Jamie said...

hooray for the christmas season!!!
precious pics!

Michael and Hannah said...

Merry Christmas!!! I'll be luck if our tree is up by the end of the week. I think I'll just live vicariously through your tree!

SO SORRY about all the Sicky McSickersons. Maybe Santa will bring an end to flu season!

Angela said...

You poor girl- you poor family! Hope you are feeling better now! Your Christmas tree looks really pretty! We put ours up and Braden LOVES it, but he totally rearranges the ornaments constantly!

Page said...

Oh, Lindsey, sorry about the virus! I know how that goes but not with children as well!! I hope you are feeling better than during Thanksgiving! Look at it this way, at least you saved eating all those extra calories over the holiday (I probably ate enough for the both of us!) LOL!

tleaf10 said...

I'm knitting a SCARF!!! I know I'm the coolest :)

Angela said...

Hey Lindsey- When you get a chance could you tell me how to do the lilliepie ticker thing that you have on your blog? Thanks!

kristy said...

Your Christmas decorations look great!!! Thanks for posting the pictures...pretty Christmas decorations uplift my spirits too :)