Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hey Everybody!!

Our family has been taking Holiday Dance Lesson's this year at a local dance studio and someone took a video of our family practicing last night! I thought you all would enjoy the video so I uploaded it to our blog...just click here to watch. Enjoy!!!


kristy said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! That video is the BEST!!! Please tell me how you did that so I can do one for our family.

Lindsey Eason said...

Glad you enjoyed it Kristy! After you watch the video, it should give you an option to either watch the video again OR make your own video. It is SO easy - you don't have to crop your pictures or anything - it will do it for you once you upload your families pics!! Have fun!!

Kimberly said...

That is hillarious! I really fell for it and thought you guys were really taking holiday dance lessons.
Hope ya'll are feeling better by now and dancing like the video that the sickness is over!

Angela said...

Oh my gosh! That wast totally hillarious!!! I totally laughed out loud on that one!

Katy said...

When I first read this post, I was like, "how do they find time for holiday dance lessons!?" Hehe - I fell for it too! The fact that it kind of looks like Chad's head was on a girl & Rauly's head was on a boy made it all the more hilarious!