This summer, we have been thoroughly immersed in "organized sports". Why? Because the kids love it! If I try to send them out in to our big, beautiful back yard equipped with a brand-spankin' new playground, trampoline and super awesome tire swing, they moan-n-groan because (and I quote), "It's sooooooo hot!!!". BUT, if I ask them if they're ready to go to Swim Team practice, or a Soccer Game, I'm met with giddy squeals as I watch them run out the door in such a hurry that they leave their shoes behind. SO, organized sports it is!
Shep decided to try out 3x3 Soccer this summer and I've been blown away at how much he's learned! First of all, I thank my lucky stars that my mom never enrolled ME in 3x3 soccer - it is HARD WORK! But, Shep has loved every sweaty second of it!
The pics aren't all that great,'s obvious I need to be practicing with my camera rather than letting it collect dust. But, it's likely I won't bring my camera to another game as it's just one more thing to carry - so this is as good as it gets. :-)

This picture made me looks like Shep is using some kind of mind skills to lift the ball with his energy force. ;-)

And here's Rauly with her Soccer-Side-kick, Kieran. Kieran and his sis, Marissa, (twins) were in Rauly's preschool class last year. Marissa decided to play soccer, Kiernan wasn't these two keep each other entertained on the sidelines. They also get very, very filthy.

1 comment:
My poor kids. They got my genes. Organized sports for us thus far have been a disaster!! I won't give up though! ;o)
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