This post is for my sweet lil' man who wanted me to take pictures of every. single. egg. we. dyed. He was very proud of the rainbow of colors. :-) I learned a few years ago that outdoors is the place to be when you're dying easter eggs, so the kids helped me take everything outside. Sure enough, within seconds, my driveway (and the kids) were covered in a multitude of colors...but I could care less, because it wasn't my tile floor and countertops! :-)
Have I mentioned before how much I adore Apple Cider Vinegar? Did you know that you can clean with it, cook with it, AND it helps the egg coloring to adhere to the egg better?? That stuff is AWESOME! I'm one of those people who believes more is usually better...so I practically doused each bowl with the vinegar...in a few of the pics, you can see the liquid fizzling...haha, it probably wasn't suppossed to do that! :-) But, hey - we got some very vibrant colors this year!
Happy Easter everyone!!

Oh yeah, dying eggs... I should, like, do that with my kids.
Great pics. The next best thing to being there. The eggs looked great and it looks like Shep is really getting into coloring them! Bet Rauly is too! Love the outdoor idea. You are one smart mama!
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