I try hard not to be "that mom"...ya' know, the one everyone rolls their eyes at because they won't stop bragging on their kid. But occasionally, I want, need and HAVE to get on here and share something, because this blog is for my kids, and they must know when they do things that make my heart practically burst. :-) I tell them in person when times like this happen and hug them so hard their eyes might bust out of their cute little heads, but in 20 years, I want them to REMEMBER! SO, you've been warned...
While I was in carline waiting to pick up Shepherd this past Friday, I could see him standing on the sidewalk, clutching an envelope in his hands while he jumped up and down with a HUGE smile on his face. I didn't know what it was, but figured it was a b-day invitation or something. A few minutes later, I pulled up to where he was, and he practically leaped in the car, waving his envelope and cheerfully bouncing in his chair. "Mommy', I got my very first report card!!!!! Can we open it???" (I think he said that twice before I was able to get my response out! I told him to rip it open,...I pulled over so we could look at it before we got home, and I couldn't have been prouder. He made the Honor Roll - straight A's and Outstanding's across the board. :-)

My proudest moment though, was when I read the note his teacher had typed out...his grades matter, but the state of his heart matters so much more, and to know that he's a shining light in his school makes me thank my Heavenly Father!

When I looked in my rear view mirror at Shep, he had stars in his eyes! My little man has worked very hard this year to fit in to a class that he didn't initially want to be a part of,...he's dealt with a lot of change, and through it all, he's kept his chin up and excelled academically and emotionally. God is good!
I'm so proud of him too! Way to go Shep! You are truly a gift from God!
That's our boy! I wasn't a bit surprised, buts always nice to have it confirmed. He's such a great kid! And sooo very smart...and so happy! I love being around him. Thanks for the visual too. Go Shep!
SO proud of you Shep!!!!!!!
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