It's Spring time...despite the weather turning cooler again, in typical ever-changing-Florida fashion. Last week though it was beautiful - the sun and flowers all seemed to know it was time to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ - beauty abounded.
My mom flew in to visit (ie: lavish the grand-kids with her attention and her love) and the sun smiled down on us as she landed. And when the sun is out in do as Floridians go to the beach. :) So we headed to Little Talbot Island and soaked in the rays - it was gorgeous! This is one of my favorite places in northern Florida - each time we go we find the coolest things...this trip we discovered Sand Dollars and a Sea Turtle...last time we found a Clam that was alive and saw a pod of dolphins. If you haven't visited Little Talbot - GO!
Me and my lil' loves....
Chad and Shepherd were the only two crazy brave enough to dive in - despite the sunshine and beautiful weather, the water was frigid...I'm talkin' GLACIER kinda cold! My feet were numb after stepping in the water for a few minutes - not sure how they handled it but they did with a smile on their faces and loved every second!
Easter Sunday 2013
Linda hosted Easter lunch this year and it was wonderful, as always! I feel so repetitive when blogging about our gatherings at her home, but it's consistently beautiful and the food is consistently healthy and delicious. She's such a gracious hostess and we're always so grateful for the love she pours in to our family. She always adds little extra touches to holidays that somehow make each special occasion feel that much more special.
This picture cracked us all up...Linda kept trying to show Lillie where a particular Easter egg was hidden and Lils' was took Linda physically grabbing LA's head and turning her directly to the egg for her to find it. If it'd been a snake... ;-)
Sweet sweet Chase...
Chad fell asleep in this position...seriously wish I could look so stylish while sleeping. ;-)
It was a week of fun...lots of board games and card games, lots of laughter. Feeling grateful today for the special memories made!! I'll end with this picture - it pretty much sums up the whole week and makes me smile each time I see it. :-) The day mom left, the sun went away and the rain clouds brought a cold front...Shepherd said "Gigi took the sun and the fun right back to Arkansas." We miss you already, Gigi!!
So glad that you all had a fantastic Easter and a great visit with your mom!
The picture of Chad cracks me up!! Ya'll look great!!
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