SHE'S WORKIN' NINE TO FIVE....WHAT A WAY TO MAKE A LIVIN'! the hours will be 8am-2pm M-Th and 8-12 on Friday's...AND both my kids will be with me....what in the world kind of job could that be?! Whelp - you are now looking at a new Preschool Director! That's right! I received a call about 2 months ago from Shepherd's preschool director saying that her family was moving....yada-yada-yada....2 months later and 2 interviews later....lots and lots of prayers (and even a few tears later)....I have been offered the position and accepted! And when I say "accepted"...that is truly what I mean. This job is truly an unexpected blessing - if you had asked me 3 months ago if I had any intention of going back to work, I would have laughed and said "no way!"...but here I am saying "Lord...if this is where you want me (and I truly believe it is) then I will go willingly and joyfully!".
Both Shepherd and Rauly will be able to attend the preschool for free and I will be able to monitor them all day every day - I don't think I could've taken a position had it been any other way. Keep in mind I have been a "stay-at-home-mom" for four years now and I can assure you that the control I've had over my children and their environment is very scary to give up - BUT - I know they'll be in a christian program with wonderful teachers and peers and I think it'll be a nice transition for both mommy and kiddo's! :) I will also be on a "teachers schedule" which means I'll get every major/minor holiday off...summers off....ect - SO - even if I still have this position when my kids go to elementary school, I will always be off when they are - you can't beat that!!
Fears...fears....fears...get behind me Satan! I've been reading my Bible and The Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer religiously over the past few days and am feeling MUCH better about going back to work! For all you working moms out there - give me advice because I know I'm going to need it!! Like how you remain organized and maintain a clean house and manage to wake up early every morning and look nice every list of questions could go on and on....
Well, if you're still reading this (I'll be surprised if you are)...please pray that God blesses this decision and that the transition will be smooth! I start my training immediately! OH - and if you could, please keep your comments offense, but I really have no interest in hearing any negative feedback about this decision. :)
I know you will do a great job and I also know you will manage just fine. It may take a little while to get into a routine, but you can handle it...don't forget to put Chad to work! ;)
Congrats! I totally understand what you are feeling. Excited yet anxious. I started back to work 8 months ago and I wish I could say every day was easy, BUT they are all manageable. The house doesn't get as clean as it use to, the laundry only gets done on the weekends (unless we run out of something) and I am very jealous of my time with the family on the week nights and weekends. It took me a while to get in a routine that worked, it was trial and error for a while, till it finally just clicked. I chose to get up an hour before I get the kids up to get myself ready and get their lunches done and clothing out. That way I still had a few min to myself and I don't feel like I'm running crazy and getting frazzled. I had to make a list of the really important things (to the whole family) and then let the little things go a tad. They still get done, just not every time I think they should. God will lead you to the schedule that fits you and will teach you where to keep it and where not to. You will do amazing at the job and this blessing will work wonders!
If anyone can do it all you are the woman!! After reading what you did with the Christmas program I have complete confidence that you will give it 100% and get that much if not more in return. I know they are lucky to have you as well!
Even as little as your kids are they probably could surprise you at what they can do themselves, getting dressed, snack/lunch ready. I mean Amelia vacummed the living room the otherday....I had to go behind her so the lines would be perfect in the carpet... but still she/I was proud.
Sounds like a great adventure for the whole family. I'm proud of my very capable and confident daughter! You're going to be such a blessing to the teachers, parents, and kids in the program!
Now you and Chad just need to decide (asap) when we can go to Big Cedar this summer! Mom
Well, we don't know each other but somehow I ran across your blog, I noticed you live in the same town as me so I started reading some of your blog.....WOW!, what a small world. Then I noticed a picture of one of my neighbor/friend in your blog. It was kind of freaky, but not bad freaky :). Anyway Tara Ralls lives down the street from me.
I registered my 3 year old at your preschool several weeks ago to start in the fall. Anyway looking forward to meeting you soon :)
This sounds like it could not be any more perfect! You will be GREAT! You also deserve congrats for landing the job!
What an amazing opportunity, Lindsey! I feel very confident that this is a great position for you and can not help but think about all the young, impressionable lives that you will have a positive infulence on! Your leadership skills are going to be such a blessing for that preschool! AND, how AWESOME that Rauly and Shep will be able to attend preschool there, for free!!! When is your first day?
Thanks for all the encouraging words AND advice!! I'm getting more excited just reading your thoughts! Kristy, to answer your question, I start training next week! :)
Wow Lindsey! What a great opportunity for you. I know you do a wonderful job and what a blessing for your kids to be with you at work. Be a working mom is challenging and after two years I still don't have it down! But I'm here if you need me.
Thanks for leaving me a message on my oh so lonely blog :) My poor blog needs some serious work.
Hopefully we can meet one day. Email me anytime, not that it sounds like you will have much free time :)
Good Luck with your training, you will do great!.
Lindsey, Congrats on the job! It sounds great!
Don't worry about the routine, it will fall in place in no time.
But my greatest words of advice are: use your crock-pot for dinners, and use the hour after the kids go to bed to get caught up on things around the house, and try not do cram everything into the weekends, God gave us weekends to relax! ;)
Congrats! It sounds like we will both be entering new territory :) I'll post soon on my blog about mine!
I just wrote the craziest long email and it deleted!
In a nutshell I said
DO NOT let Saton make you feel guilty for working, not staying late, staying home when your kids are not feeling well, or having a little you time!
I love the frozen chicken stir fry minute time and good!
Look for the sweet potato pancakes in the frozen food section for the kids! I know this is probably not a thought yet but, I hunted and hunted and did some bargaining to find someone to clean my house for cheap. I found someone for $35/2 weeks. It is worth it to me. That is later down the road. I stay on top of laundry. I also only work when Harry is asleep or a couple of hours on the weekends. God has intrusted a ton of his children in your hands; he will reward you and give you peace if you ask and have faith! I wish Harry was at your school!
Oh and I do make sure Harry's teachers know I appreciate them but, I keep my ears and eyes OPEN! We all need to stay on our toes!
That sounds like a really good opportunity for you. One of my friends here in LR does that for Pleasant Valley's Day School. She's busy, but she loves it. Thank you for offering to help us when we come to Jacksonville. I will def. need your input on churches, schools, doctors, etc! It is so comforting to me that you live there. I promise, I'm not clingy! It is comforting to me because you know what I've been through with Olivia's pregnancy and delivery. It was upsetting to me to think of going to a place where no one knew about her. For whatever reason, God keeps putting you in my life at just the right time. I found your blog (don't ask me how because I couldn't find it again for a month) right when Melissa's Janey was diagnosed. You gave updates and a link about anencephaly. I remember talking with my sister-in-law, Vera, about how sad that made us and that we couldn't imagine what Melissa was going through (I didn't know who she was at the time). I never imagined that only a few days later we would find out that we were having a baby with anencephaly. I really believe that God prepared me for that news by reading your blog. As soon as my doctor told me that something was wrong with Olivia's head, I asked him if it was anencephaly. He looked at me like I was crazy because most people had never heard of it before. Anyway, thanks for being a part of our "story". Talk to you soon!
Congratulations! That sounds like an awesome opportunity for your family. I'm excited for you!
Congratulations! Your new job sounds wonderful! I have been working part-time with my girls since I quit working full-time when Bailey was 6 months old. It is truly a blessing to be able to take them with me. Next year Lindsey will finally get her wish and join Bailey at school (well pre-school for her)and I will miss my little assistant. Don't worry about the logistics..., you will find a new routine that works for you!
Wow! Sounds like God had this blessing gift-wrapped just for you! My mom is a pre-school director, so I know how challenging but fulfilling it can be! I have soooo much respect for moms that "do it all." You amaze me!
Hey, Lindsey.
If you recall, Ike had Meningitis and Encephalitis about the time he turned 5 years old. He couldn't walk, had to use diapers, was almost blind, and lost a lot of weight. We weren't sure how much of his facilities would return. He got better each day, for which we were thankful, but we were very anxious about his long-term future. We felt God's nearness at all times, and our church family was very supportive. When I heard Shep had it, I immediately began to pray without ceasing for him. I'm glad it has turned out so well for him. God bless you and Chad!
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