Saturday, January 12, 2008


Sorry ya'll...lately I've been having a hard time coming up with interesting things to write about. It isn't that there's nothing to say....there's plenty going on that I could write about...but nothing that would really interest my viewers (meaning you!). :) Another issue I'm having right now is that Chad is working sooooo much right now that by the time he get's home (which is typically around 9:30pm), I'm too tired to sit down in front of the computer and blog about our life...not to mention the fact that I really need to be spending time with him when he walks in the door! SO, while the kids watch Saturday morning cartoons...and In an effort to keep our blogger conversations going...I'm going to risk boring you all and just talk about the details of our life!

**Over the past few months, I have been asked twice by the CBS (Community Bible Study) Leadership Committee to lead a devotional. Each time I politely declined...NOT because I was trying to be disrespectful or anything like that...I just knew that my gift was NOT public speaking and I didn't see how God could use me in that way. BUT, after praying a lot about it, I began to feel convicted that maybe I wasn't allowing God to use me. SO, this past week I lead a devo on the value of wisdom and the importance of wise women allowing God to use them as mentors. I won't lie - my hands were shaky, my heart was beating so loud I could hear it in my ears, and my mouth was very dry - BUT - the holy spirit got me through it without stuttering, crying or losing my train of thought. Afterwards, I received letters in the mail, phone calls and emails saying how specific scriptures that I had read spoke directly to several of the ladies and I was amazed at how when you let God use you (even in an area that you're not strong in), He can touch lives.

**Shepherd went back to school on Wednesday and that morning I found out that he would be able to be part of the VPK program next year! THIS IS HUGE!! This means he will get to go to preschool 5 days a week (9-12), in a christian environment, and our taxes will pay for it! Florida has a really good Voluntary Preschool Program that allows many children to go to preschool for free...typically though with private schools it is much harder to get in - a lot of parents will literally camp out overnight in order to get their children registered in the program! Our director told us on Wednesday though that Shep would be guaranteed a slot! HOW AWESOME!

** On Friday's I'm going to be keeping one of Shepherd's friends from his preschool. His mom is in nursing school and can't be there in time to pick him up so it will only be about 2.5 hours that he'll be with us. The money I'll make from keeping Dylan will pay our YMCA membership which I'm thrilled about - it makes me feel like I'm contributing and also takes away my guilt for having joined! Speaking of the YMCA - I LOVE that place! I'm going for 1.5-2 hours M-F and it is such a much needed break! Each treadmill has it's own cable t.v. with headphone hook-ups so I can watch my t.v. shows and Fox News while I exercise...half the time though I just leave the t.v. off and give myself some time to think without any interruptions or distractions. Since Chad has been gone so much, it is giving me a much needed break from the kids, although I can honestly say that by the time my work-out is over...I MISS them!!! There's nothing better then walking in to the daycare and having Shep and Rauly run to me with arms open and wide smiles screaming "MOMMY"! Just melts my heart!

**Have any of you started turning your blogs in to journals online? My friend Hannah told her blogger friends about it several months ago and ever since, I've been working steadily on converting all of my posts and pictures to this's SO easy but sooooooooo time consuming! It's also mind numbing...I can only do it for so long before I have to take a break!! I'm looking forward to getting my journals though...I hope they will be family keepsakes!

**And last but not least - tonight we'll be watching the JAGUAR game!!! Chad gets off early tonight (around 5pm) so we're planning on staying home and cheering our team on as they play New England! Hope you all have had good weeks and that you enjoy your weekend!!


kristy said...

Linds--you are awesome!!! Working out 1.5-2 hrs a day, 5 days a week, is incredible! I'd say you're definitely getting your money's worth at the Y!
Congrats on Shep getting into the VPK program. I know it has to be such a comfort to know he'll be in a Christian environment in his daycare. That makes all the difference in the world!
I'm also SO PROUD of you for leading a devo. Isn't it amazing how God can use you to say/do something that ends up being exactly what someone else needed?!
I hope the Jags win tonight. We'll be routing for them for you.
P.S. Sorry I haven't commented much lately...This year has been super busy thus far and I'm finding it difficult to blog/comment as much as I'd like. I have, however, been keeping up on your posts and am enjoying keeping up with the Easons. Keep those updates and pictures coming :)

Michael and Hannah said...

That is SO exciting about VPK!!! I am hopeful that I can get Wes into VPK at all, much less at a Christian school. What an awesome blessing! As for the blog book, I too realized that it's not as easy as they initially make it seem to convert your blog to print. I consulted with my friend Megan who is a graphic designer, and she's working on looking for easy ways to get my blog printed. I'll let you know what she finds. She also told me that there are freelance graphic designers that will turn your blog into a book for you. I'm not sure how much it would cost, but it's still got to be cheaper than scrapbooking. And I really can't put a price on these memories! If you're having trouble finding the time to create your blog book yourself, try contacting a local college and requesting a # of a graphic design student that can help you.