Friday, December 14, 2007

It's finally happened...

......the inevitable moment in time when you can no longer eat whatever you want, whenever you want and not gain weight. OH MAN - I can't believe it's finally happened! I have heard so many women talk about this moment in time but I really thought that: a) it would never happen to me...or b) it wouldn't happen for many many more years down the road!! After both of my kids were born, the weight just melted off - I didn't have to exercise or watch what I literally just came off! In fact, after Rauly was born, I was probably the thinnest I've ever been. BUT - I've noticed over the past few months that my jeans are getting tighter, my face is getting fuller and (gulp), my belts are needing to be loosened. I was groaning to my mom (as I ate a piece of pizza) that I couldn't believe I was gaining weight and she asked: "Well, are you exercising?" which I respondeed incredulously "No!". She continued to ask "Well, are you watching what you eat?"....have you guessed my response?...."NO!". She then reminded me that exercise never hurt anybody and told me it may be time to get out my jogging shoes.

Which leads me to my next gripe session! How in the world does any mom with multiple children find the time to exercise?!?! If we could afford a stinkin' YMCA membership I would truly be one of those moms who could become addicted and would most likely work out WAAAAY too much - but (and a big sigh follows this -but-), we can't afford it which means I have to put my kids in the double jogging stroller anytime I want to take a walk or a jog. Can I just say how unbelieveably frustrating it is to attempt to jog with two toddlers?!....all my kids want to do is smack eachother around the entire time and I wind up having to stop every 30 seconds to break up their fights! ALSO - how in the world does any mother of multiple children find the time to eat healthy?!....and here's my next vent...I don't eat that much (ok...I don't eat that much all the time). But seriousely, my biggest meal of the day is in the evening but other then that, I just don't feel that I'm eating that much throughout the day - at least not enough to cause me to be gaining weight.

Here's a big fat Grrrrrr - and that is directed at my metabolism that has apparently forgotten that I'm only 26 years old. Tune in next month to find out how I plan on kicking my metabolism in the "you know where"...hmmm...that sounded bad and for all you potty mouths out there...I was meaning the word -butt- which in our house is a naughty word! NEways - back to my venting - tune in next month to find out how I intend to lose this dadgum weight! (Why next month?....because it's Christmas and I do not intend to tackle this issue over the next few weeks!)


lauren said...

I am laughing because I'm reading this while eating a big ol' helping of Kalua Brownie Trifle, and I just had a talk with my sister about how I've gained 5 lbs. I think once you have a couple of kids, your body just doesn't do things the same. I flucuate 5 lbs all of the time, but now that I've had James, it looks different. Every time I'm up, I almost take or take a pregnancy test, because I look pregnant! The beauty of it is that it happens to all of us, so we're in it together!

Marie said...

I never really lost the weight with any of my kids. about the time I could diet (no longer breast feeding) I was pregnant again. So I am still trying to loose the 40 lbs from my 3 children, and trying to eat healthy now that I am back to work??? That is a laugh along with exercise. I hardly have any time anymore. But I have to get my hiney in gear and make the time. So long what little sleep I get !! :)

Sara said...

Lindsey, I am the same way. Never worried once in high school what I fact I used to eat Bic Macs after games and always ate so unhealthy and never gained a pound. However, now is a different story. My mom says, "welcome to 30" BUT I'M NOT 30 YET!! You could ask Zach, I've already told him I am getting a membership to the health club after this one is born. I am so set on losing a lot weight..yea, we'll see if that happens!!

Sara said...

And by the way, you are beautiful, never once thought you were gaining weight!

Michael and Hannah said...

Linds, I love ya, but your gripes are falling on deaf ears here. There's nothing like a DROP DEAD GORGEOUS mom that never exercises fuss'n about a few pounds! I exercise religiously and will never have your amazing figure. I didn't have your figure when I was 16! Embrace those extra pounds as more for Chad to love - you're stunning!

Lane said...

Girl you are hilarious! I feel ya on that one! But you don't even need to be talking about that because you are so gorgeous and look great to all of us! But I know what you mean about losing the weight right after having them. I was my thinnest right after I had Sterling (thinner than high school even)then once I slowed down on the breastfeeding, that weight just piled right back on. I have NO excuses either because we DO have a gym membership! GRRRR!

Page said...

Oh, I hear ya! I gained so much weight after I got married, which I blame on big family dinners all the time and working full time in an office. But, I also HATE exercising, so the combo of all this has put on the pounds. I used to do THE FIRM in college and really liked it, so I'm going to try and get back in that after the new year. It's just too hard before then with all the gatherings and food! We'll go into it together! I know it's hard to excerise with kids and it's hard for me to exercise after working a full day because I'm exhausted, so we'll have to team up!

Rachael said...

Man...I thought you looked so good 'cause you were a dedicated workout maniac. Good to know your struggling with the same thing as the rest of us. By the way you look awesome!! I still can't fit into my jeans pre-pregnancy!! I hear ya loud and clear!!