Friday, August 17, 2007

The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn - Get the book, Read the book, Tell others about this book!! It will change your perspective and remind you to focus on the eternal...Chad and I are reading it currently and it is opening our eyes to how much our focus needs to shift! It is jam-packed with scripture and is very easy to read...I can't seem to put it down! Seriousely, we do not have time to sit around and read, yet this morning, we sat on the couch while our kids played, we drank our coffee and I read to Chad for 2 hours - it is that good!


Anonymous said...

Hey Lindsey- would it be a good book for a ladies bible study? As in does it have any questions or anything at the end of the chapters? I think we have a book picked out when we start back in the fall, but I am always looking ahead for the next book!
Angela Grace

Lindsey Eason said...

Hey! It would depend on what kind of study ya'll are looking for...this book focuses primarily on your attitude towards giving (not primarily tithing however it does focus one chapter on that), as well as focusing more on Heavenly treasures instead of earthly treasures. It doesn't have questions at the end of the chapters, but there may be a study guide that I don't know about... Good luck choosing your book!!

Lindsey Eason said...

Angela, I just read that this book can be used as a study or discussion also suggested Crown Financial Ministries material on money and giving as a tool for bible studies/discussion groups. Hope that helps.

kristy said...

Took your word for it and ordered this book Saturday. Looking forward to reading it over Labor Day weekend. Thanks for the recommendation.

Sarah said...

Hey Lindsey,
This is an awesome book and kinda dangerous! It's actually what led my in-laws to sell their house to downsize.

Lindsey Eason said...

Sarah - I know what you mean by dangerous - how cool to hear that your in-laws really took what they learned to heart! That is inspiring!!